Status of Homebuyers as Financial Creditors

Introduction Taking money from the allottees of the real estate project is a common phenomenon. Further, this money is used by the developers for construction purposes. This is a true fact that sometimes developers take money from the allottees but do not fulfil the promise at their end. One option that can be availed of […]

International Arbitration Service Amicus Publico LLP

Concept of International Arbitration

ABSTRACT Usually disputes between the parties take too much time to settle. With loss of time the parties also suffer loss of finance occurred due to complex and long-stretched battle between the parties. Without a doubt it can be said that court proceedings are lengthy and complex and generally settle the disputes taking lots of […]

Cross Border Insolvency lawyers

Cross Border Insolvency

INTRODUCTION It’s very common to hear the news about companies, industries, or firms going bankrupt. The companies go bankrupt for various reasons, like poor decision-making, non-repayment of debt, increased competition, disputes with creditors or other members of the company, etc. These businesses not only severely damage themselves, but they also affect a large number of […]

Samvidhaan Hatya Divas Emergency 1975

The Emergency of 1975: A Constitutional Crisis Remembered on June 25

The Significance of June 25 The government of India has declared 25th June as “Samvidhan Hatya Diwas” to recall the emergency imposed by then honourable prime minister Indira Gandhi unconstitutionally citing the reason of internal disturbance. It was a critical period that lasted till 1977 when civil liberties of people were suppressed and democratic values […]

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